Customer Story

Ensuring that reliable, trustworthy news can reach as many people as possible.

Bloomberg, the global business and financial information and news leader, has positive brand equity around the world, yet its videos are predominantly distributed in English. The enormous global audience familiar with the Bloomberg brand was being under-served and Bloomberg was limiting the reach and value of its video content. Papercup is enabling Bloomberg to overcome this challenge by AI dubbing hundreds of hours of video – spanning global news coverage, financial market analysis and documentaries – for Spanish-speaking audiences in Latin America and the US.

How Bloomberg uses AI dubbing

1. Streamlining is a critical part of its internationalization strategy

Internationalization is at the core of Bloomberg’s strategy across the whole business; it’s a complex process with multi-threaded workflows and stakeholders. The partnership with Papercup enables Bloomberg to localize at scale without the need for enormous additional infrastructure that is complicated to implement. 

Papercup integrates with Bloomberg’s existing video creation process, enabling the distribution of Spanish-dubbed video across social media. Not only does this allow Bloomberg to reach new audiences in a low risk, light effort way, it enables Bloomberg to validate the audience.

2. Realizing the real value of its content 

The studio dubbing process is time-consuming and expensive, which means that it is not suited to short form video content – like news or financial market analysis – produced on a rolling basis. While subtitles are good for reaching audiences abroad, there is a significant preference for dubbed content, especially across LATAM.

Using AI dubbing allows Bloomberg to grow revenue from video content that would have otherwise remained unlocalized in the absence of a scalable dubbing service.

Bloomberg en Español launched in November 2022 with the aim of reaching new global audiences
The Result

A growing audience of Spanish speakers

Bloomberg is steadily growing its Spanish-speaking audience in a low risk, low complexity way. Its new Spanish-language social channels gained nearly a million views in the first couple of weeks and are expected to reach the multi-millions within months. 

Bloomberg is realizing the value of its global brand recognition by providing Spanish-speaking audiences with a reputable source of news in their native language. As more media companies look to internationalize, entering markets pre-saturation is the key to continued success.

Media company
New York City, USA

What Bloomberg says about us

"As a global news leader, it’s Bloomberg’s mission to ensure that reliable, trustworthy news can reach as many people as possible. Papercup’s advanced AI tools give us an exciting new way to reach global audiences."
Travis Winkler
General Manager, Video and Audio

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